Headaches & Osteopathy

Headaches are a common complaint seen in osteopathic practice. There are many types of headaches, the main forms being tension-type, migraine and cervicogenic (originating from the neck) headaches. There are often many triggers for headaches, which can be sometimes very difficult to identify. The main triggers are muscular tension, poor sleep quality, stress, hormonal and nutritional imbalances, lack of appropriate exercise, and use of medications.
So how can osteopathy help with headaches, you ask?
Step 1:
We will take a full history to aid in identify lifestyle factors and potential triggers which may be causing and/or aggravating headache symptoms. We will ask lots of questions, sometimes regarding things which may not appear directly related to your headaches, which will help to determine an appropriate and effective management plan for you. Osteopaths are trained to question you on underlying causes of headaches, and should they think it’s necessary, will refer you onto a GP or specialist.
Step 2:
Treatment! Most headaches will have associated muscular tension and joint stiffness as either a trigger or a side effect. Usually symptoms and signs of tension occur in the neck and shoulders, however clenching and grinding your teeth may result in tightness through the TMJ (jaw), which is known to cause headaches. Hands on manual therapy aims to relieve joint restrictions and muscular tightness. Treatment techniques used may include:
- Soft tissue therapy and massage
- Stretching
- Joint articulation and mobilisations
- Dry needle therapy
- Intra-oral TMJ (jaw) soft tissue therapy
Step 3:
Your osteopath will then give you some take home exercises and stretches which are designed to help improve mobility, and reduce tension overload to the neck, TMJ and shoulders. In addition to this, you may be asked to keep a headache diary. This helps determine which factors are contributing most to headache triggering or exacerbation. It is often not possible to completely eradicate headaches without making some changes to the things we regularly do, so identifying these are key. All exercises and advice will be tailored to each individual’s needs and circumstances, with the aim to get your headache frequency lower, and ultimately headache free!
By Laura Brazzale – Osteopath