Let’s celebrate something – Podiatry week

Foot Health Week aims to help people get back on track by understanding their foot health and the important role of podiatrists. To celebrate our Podiatry team we have complimentary pairs of socks for all patients visiting us during this week.
New research commissioned by the Australian Podiatry Association have reported a significant shift in footwear behavior as more Australians find themselves working from home in 2020, resulting in discomfort, pain, and loss of mobility.
The research revealed that over the last few months, 70% of Australians have worn less supportive shoes (or are going barefoot) and 1 in 3 people have noticed an increase of pain or discomfort in their feet and lower limbs, resulting in (27%) reduced daily walking, (20%) no exercising, (18%) difficulty sleeping and (16%) not participating in leisurely activities such walking a dog or playing with their kids.
This Foot Health Week the Australian Podiatry Association is launching a national health campaign aimed at helping Australians better understand their foot health and the important role Podiatrists play in overall well being and getting Australians back on their feet and living pain free,especially post-COVID lock down.
“The research found that 62% of people who regularly visit a podiatrist have discontinued appointments since the beginning of the COVID period and 36% of people have noticed an increase in pain.
It’s important that patients are conscious to seek advice from their podiatrist not only when they are in pain and to look at their health holistically by considering visiting a podiatrist as regularly you would a dentist or optometrist,”
We need to understand that foot health underpins the general health and well being of every Australian. The research results found that one in four patients had an underlining health issue identified by their podiatrist, including circulatory issues (38%), diabetes (27%) or heart problems (22%).
With healthy feet being the foundations of the body there has never been a better time to actively consider and care for your feet.
This Foot Health Week (October 12-18, 2020), Australians are encouraged to get back on track, starting with their feet. Take one step at a time for fit feet and a better you.