Meditation for beginners

Is meditation something you are waiting to action on your “to do” list?…..
Is it something you would like to try, but think you won’t be any good at?
Do not fear – the wait is over!
I’m Gabriella from Herbaceous, and I am one of the new kids on the block at Contagious Enthusiasm! You may have seen me about town, as I have been working in Hampton as a naturopath and meditation teacher for the past 8 years.
Meditation is a very useful skill to learn, especially in todays busy world. It is a little like riding a bike – once you learn, you never lose the skill, and the more you practice, the “fitter” you become!
Meditation can also help people to become more connected with nature. Technology plays an important role in our lives, however, the constant use of phones and devices can result in us being disconnected from the present moment, and from the incredible world around us.
I bring a practical and down to earth approach to teaching, with a sprinkling of humour too!
I teach a couple of different styles of meditation which I will discuss with you now.
Calming the busy mind
The first style is suited to people who want to learn how to calm the busy mind, and relax the body. People often say to me that they have tried to meditate and they can’t stop the mental chatter. The mind is designed to think and process information, so setting a goal to have no mental chatter is very challenging! Rather than aiming to “stop” thoughts, I feel that “managing” thoughts is more realistic and achievable. These meditations are partly guided, and partly self guided. Meditation can assist with stress management, reducing anxiety, improving sleep quality, increasing productivity, and bringing some lightness into your life.
Intuitive development
This type of meditation allows you to tap into the true essence of who you really are. The process of stilling the mind and letting go of the ego self allows you to gain insight into your life and your life’s purpose. Strengthening your intuition is a powerful skill to learn, and one that can help with many situations in life. Meditation helps us to to live in the present moment, which is where our true power really is. Meditation also benefits all aspects of our being – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In the class you will also learn how to tune into the subtle messages which are there provide guidance in our lives.
Meditation is a lifelong process of discovery, and with learning any new skill, you are probably going to have some bumps along the way! Meditation is a practice that evolves over time. Some days you will be present and better able to meditate, and other days you may find it more challenging.
Individual and group sessions are available for both styles of meditation. Meditation workshops are also available for people who wish to learn in a more concentrated time frame.
To find out more, you can contact me at or call or email our friendly receptionists on 03 9502 0650 /
Best wishes
Gabriella- Naturopath/Meditation instructor