Bridging the gap

Sadly here in Australia we have a large divide between our medical world and our natural and allied health world. These two different ways of treating people’s health work so well and effectively together but a great deal of the time we see very little cross over or communication between the two.
Our medical world is so instrumental is bringing us back from extreme poor health or trauma and our allied health world are perfect complimentors to rehabilitation, prevention and maintaining good levels of health. As humans we need both throughout all stages of our lives but we quite often fall through the cracks of not knowing where to turn to next when things aren’t recovering well or as they should be and knowone has sufficient answers or treatment plans.
As Myotherapists we quite often see this in clinic and when patients are at their worst, especially when it comes to pre/post surgery or trauma or even something as less intrusive as a cortisone injection. It can be quite disheartening to see patients in pain after trying several different treatment options and feeling like they have no answers or not sure which path to take next. The worst of it is that for most their current pain patterns if managed correctly didn’t have to end up as it is.
It is very easy for health care practitioners both medical and allied to become very routine and begin boxing patients in to diagnosis categories eg- frozen shoulder cases or headaches symptoms and not actually listen to the patient as an individual. If you are ever feeling like your pain or symptoms are not being heard then please speak to any of your healthcare practitioners you frequent and ask some serious questions. If you don’t feel you are getting the answers or clarification then please feel free to approach us.
We want to bridge the gap for you our patients to help:
- Understand your body a little better and what you’re experiencing.
- Allow you the time to ask questions about what to realistically expect to experience post surgery.
- Discuss treatment pathways and allied health available to you (not just Myotherapy) but other options which may offer you greater results.
- See you achieve your health goals and for you to feel better informed about your body and your choices.
Our Myotherapy team here Claire, Daniel, Jakki, Morgan and myself are all hear to assist you as best we can and if don’t have the best explanation for you then we can certainly ensure to find the right practitioner who can.