Osteoporosis and your feet

Osteoporosis occurs when certain minerals, such as calcium in our bones is depleted. This low level causes reduced bone thickness, mass and density. This can make your bones in your feet more fragile and more susceptible to stress fractures if not careful.
Around the age of 35, you start to gradually lose bone density. This is a normal part of ageing, but for some people it can lead to osteoporosis.
The feet have to deal with a lot of stress from body weight, and forces from the ground. Therefore when our bones are not strong enough the risk of stress fractures are increased.
Increased levels of activity, abnormal foot function or poor footwear, such a hard soled shoes can cause further stress to the feet, resulting in stress fractures.
The best treatment is prevention. If you are over 60 it is advisable to have a bone density test and a through foot assessment from your podiatrist, to determine any areas of the foot that may be under high load/stress.
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