
Stengthening your ankles

April 24, 2019| contagiouseditor

Do you have weak ankles or often find your legs and ankles feel tired at the end of the day? Wake up in the morning with stiff  ankles? Weak ankles occur when there is instability of the muscles and tendons in the foot. This often leads our feet to become weak and tired at the end of the day! Sprained and rolled ankles are another indicator of a lack of strength and instability in your ankles. Our Podiatrist Monique takes us through what actions can be taken to overcome weakness in a...


Work Positive

April 24, 2019| contagiouseditor

Is your work space a Positive space that enables you to preform at your best or do you dread going to work and being at your desk? Having a Positive work space not only decreases the pressure on your body but can also lead to improved output. But what is a positive work space I hear you ask? Posture whether sitting or standing our desk space needs to be comfortable and supportive to be at. Your monitor needs to be close enough that you can comfortable read and slightly tilted upwards You...


Bridging the gap

March 31, 2019| contagiouseditor

Sadly here in Australia we have a large divide between our medical world and our natural and allied health world. These two different ways of treating people’s health work so well and effectively together but a great deal of the time we see very little cross over or communication between the two. Our medical world is so instrumental is bringing us back from extreme poor health or trauma and our allied health world are perfect complimentors to rehabilitation, prevention and maintaining good ...

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