
Spring Detox

September 25, 2017| contagiouseditor

Spring is the perfect time to detox! Do you experience nausea, headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, acne, joint pain, concentration issues and even premature ageing? If you find yourself experiencing all of or a combination of these signs and symptoms you may be in need of some detox support. You don't need to be doing extreme juice fasts to support your bodies ability to detox but we all could do with a helping hand in this area. There is no doubt about it, we live in a chemical world ...


Avoiding toenail infections

July 20, 2017| contagiouseditor

With a nail salon on just about every corner, having a pedicure or painting your nails is a nice way to spend your Saturday afternoon. However it is not always as glamorous as it sounds for someone who ends up at the podiatrist after his or her visit with a fungal toenail infection. This is not to entirely discourage people from treating themselves to a pedicure or doing their own nails at home, but to try and educate on the potential risks and some handy tips, so that the next or future pedicu...


Tackling your next Cold and Flu

June 5, 2017| contagiouseditor

Winter is coming. With that come colds and flus for some. We all know we should stop and rest, keep our fluids up and load up on vitamin C. But what else can we be doing to shorten the severity and duration of that dreaded cold? Kill the infection Many people think to take Echinacea when they are sick with the cold or flu. Well, forget Echinacea once a cold has taken hold. Echinacea is great for preventing colds so you can take it to ward off getting sick in the first place. Studies show i...

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