
Headaches & Migraines

May 22, 2021| contagiouseditor , , ,

Do you suffer from headaches and migraines on a regular basis? Let me tell you, you're not alone!Headaches and migraines are extremely common. In fact, majority of Australians will suffer with a headache every now and then. Symptoms can be easily managed with the right treatment plan. Here's what you need to know about the types of headaches, 'red flag' symptoms and treatment options for you! There are many different types of headaches you may experience, with tension headaches being the mo...


Essential Oils

May 4, 2021| contagiouseditor

When you think about essential oils, what comes to mind? Lavender? Rose? Those sickly, sweet scents you can buy from any gift store for loose change? Click here to continue reading about essential oils by our Kinesiologist, Anna.


Are You Not Good Enough?

March 17, 2021| contagiouseditor

Do you feel like you're not good enough? Are you a perfectionist? Do you have impostor syndrome? OK, pull up a chair and make a cuppa. This is a long post, and it's especially meant for YOU. A while ago I was at a conference with 150 psychologists. The presenter asked those who had good self-esteem to raise their hand. I was near the front, so when my hand shot up it took me a moment to look around and realise that, of 150 psychologists, fewer than a dozen had raised their hand! What conc...

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