
Need a change?

July 9, 2020| contagiouseditor

If you’re a smoker, getting COVID-19 is more dangerous for you. And you’re at higher risk of getting respiratory infections in general. But you know all that, of course you do! You want to stop, but you don’t know how to stop, right? How about hypnotherapy? Modern Clinical Hypnotherapy is safe, fast and effective. It works by helping you to identify the real motivators for you – whether that’s your own health, or being around for the grandkids, or the financial cost – and helping ...


Working from home is a pain in the foot

June 15, 2020| contagiouseditor

With the recent COVID-19 pandemic we are seeing a lot more people working from home and subsequently more foot pain related issues. This is because it is easy to fall into bad habits, such as rocking your trackies with your slippers, or slip on shoes around the house all day! Why does it matter… no one sees you on Zoom from the waist down right? What you may not realise is that this sudden change in your usual footwear choices, leaves your feet unstable and unsupported. On top of this...


The lungs,sorrow & the metal element

May 28, 2020| contagiouseditor

In Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, there are 5 elements: fire, earth, wood, water, and metal. Each of these is associated with certain organs, seasons, emotions, tastes, smells, sounds, and can help us to understand and relate to the world around us and to see the inter-connection in our world. Autumn is the season of the metal element. This is the season of contraction and moving inwards, of dryness, and the Lungs and Large intestine are the organs associated with this element. Click her...

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