Chiropractic Holiday Travel Tips

So, it’s holiday time again and your off for a well deserved break! Make sure that, regardless of how long or how little you’re away for, your precious time off doesn’t effect you and your family by becoming a pain!
Read through some of the tips below (and even take them with you to remember!) so that you can have some well deserved and “pain” free time off.
Travelling by Car/Bus:
have regular breaks (every 1-2 hours) where you can stretch and walk around
make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
put your chin towards your chest and roll your shoulders back to help keep you muscles loose
place a rolled up towel/jacket in the small of your back and also between your shoulder blades, alternating so to give your back some support.
Sit up straight with your head back when you adjust your mirrors so that they remind you to not slouch
- Make sure your seat is adjusted to the upright position and your tail bone is far back in the seat, with your head and shoulders supported by the seat as much as possible.
Travelling by Plane:
- Have a least one of your travelling party on an aisle seat so that you can all have a stretch and walk at some point, especially on long flights (every 1-2 hours)
- Roll up a small towel or jacket to give yourself some low back support and take an inflatable travel pillow for your neck.
- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
- Be mindful of how you’re lifting your luggage and be sure to bend at the knees at all times * Roll your ankles and point/flex your feet regularly to help with circulation and so your muscles don’t cramp
- Before you take off, set your watch/phone to the time zone you are travelling to (if applicable) and try to eat, drink and sleep within that time zone so that you have time to adjust to it.
- Sleeping in a different bed:
- Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach, instead stay on your back or side
- If the bed feels “saggy”, consider placing the mattress on the floor
- If any dips are found in the mattress, place a rolled up towel under your side to help support your spine
- Try not to have blasts of cold air from air conditioning on your neck whilst you sleep, instead use a ceiling fan where possible
- Make sure you always stretch after sleeping and as always, keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water!
- Enjoy your holidays and for any further information or to book an appointment with Dr Jess to make sure your spine is in great alignment before and after your holiday, please contact us here at Contagious Enthusiasm.