Why Exercise?

Our spines were made to move, and in turn so were the rest of our bodies. Exercise, or simply put, movement, can help with many different things- increasing strength, reducing back pain, improving flexibility in muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints, helping heart, lung and even bone health. If we sit for too long each and every day, our bodies adapt to that and start to decrease in strength, stamina and a whole array of other problems can start to occur. In fact, you can start to lose quality of life and find many things difficult to do.
Just get going!
So whether you have exercised before or are a regular at it, consider all the health benefits you’re receiving by simply getting up and moving that spine! Look at taking a brisk 15-20 minute walk a day if you have never exercised before and slowly build that up to around 30 min per day (this is a guideline and not an upper limit- you can do more!) And if you’re an old hand at exercise, look at the types of exercise you’re doing and whether you are pushing yourself to your optimum, or whether you have more than one type in your program (endurance, strengthening, toning, flexibility etc).
For more information look out for our upcoming “Chiro Tips” each week on our Facebook page, with a link at the end of the month to a blog with further information.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Contagious Enthusiasm on
9502 0650 to speak to Dr Jess or make a time to see her with any health concerns.
Look forward to a new, healthier, happier you as you continue moving and being motivated!